Help Us To #reliveCardiff
Ahead of what should have been our 2020 race weekend, we’ve been asking you to share your favourite Cardiff University Cardiff Half Marathon memories.
We’ve been blown away by the response, and whilst we won’t be together on that iconic Cardiff Castle start line on Sunday 4 October, by looking back at our favourite memories we hope we can re-create the unique spirit and atmosphere of the day.
Hundreds of you have been sharing your best moments, and we’ve selected six of our favourites to win a R4W Membership for 2021. More on our winners below!
We’re so disappointed that we cannot be together this year, but cannot wait to deliver the world-class half marathon in Wales’ capital city that you all know and love in 2021.
We’ve put the short video below together to remind ourselves of what should have been this Sunday. It will be a bit quieter for us all this year, but we will be back.
Get involved with the #reliveCardiff campaign yourself by donning a Cardiff Half finishers tee for your run this weekend. Share your pictures with us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram using the hashtag #reliveCardiff, and scroll down to read about our best memories and moments.
Matt Newman

Run 4 Wales Chief Executive Matt Newman looks back on the past 8 years and the development of the race.
Read more here.
Steve Brace

Olympic Marathon Runner, now Cardiff Half Marathon Race Director Steve Brace reflects on the parts of the event the runners often don’t see.
Read more here.
Elite Athletes

We’ve had some fantastic elite race moments over the years. Hear about some of our favourite performances, and some personal stories from the elite athletes themselves here.
Your Featured Memories

Hundreds of you have been sending in your favourite memories of the race. We’ve selected six runners to feature over the weekend, and win a R4W Membership for 2021.
Check out our worthy winners here.
What You’re Saying

Check out some of the best messages we’ve received via social media so far here. We’ve included some of the great emails we’ve received below too.
Our Sponsor Family

The Cardiff University Cardiff Half Marathon would simply not be possible without the support of so many of our key sponsors and partners.
Many have been working with us for many years so have plenty of their own fantastic memories to share.

Charity is at the heart of the event, which raises over £3 million for good causes each year. From race day memories to inspiring fundraiser journeys, check out some of our charity partner’s favourite moments.
Many have been heavily impacted by COVID-19 and need your support more than ever. Charity places are available for 2021 with loads of causes to choose from.

Pull up a chair, grab the popcorn and #reliveCardiff on the small screen with some of our favourite race day movies from over the years.
View our video collection here.

We love nothing more than looking back through the photos after an event weekend. We’re sad we won’t be able to in 2020, but looking back at the colourful characters and inspiring stories of years gone by certainly helps us to #reliveCardiff.
Try and spot yourself in our old race photos here.
Scroll down to #reliveCardiff!
We’ve received hundreds of emails from runners keen to share their best Cardiff Half memories. Scroll through and #reliveCardiff yourself.
Ravi Tanna – I traveled alone from the Midlands and had signed up 1 year ahead in 2018 on the day registration opened. I had the best experience. I loved the route and had trained especially hard for a new personal best.

Lydia Hutton – In 2014, I was getting married 12 days after the race and my father decided that was the year to stop saying he’d join me when he retired and had time to run, so he signed up to run his first Half Marathon race. We ran for the British Heart Foundation as his Father had died quite young from heart disease, which was also a motivator to be more active. He’s run each race since and I’m so proud that he made that first run 6years ago. Having grown up in Cardiff, I love seeing the city on race day, being a part of it as a local runner and seeing the race grow from my first in 2007 to what it is today.

Gorseinon Road Runners – It’s a great race but the best part of the Cardiff 1/2 Marathon for me is the fantastic club day out. A chance for us all at 3M Roadrunners Gorseinon to get together.

Huseyin – Cardiff Half 2019 will always be a special day for me and Andrew. We got married the day before (we were hoping to marry in Cardff, but you know, the weekend of events meant no weddings could take place at the registry office on the Saturday). This is us getting ready at the beginning of the race!

Team Costain – Here is our team photo of our Corporate Challenge Team from Costain. We enter every year and raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Ty Hafan, as well as others.

Emma Williams – I ran the Cardiff Half last year on my 50th birthday (coincidentally it was also my 10th Half Marathon race – not all in Cardiff). It was an amazing day from start to finish. On the way round I got so many shout outs from the crowds and the other runners, I couldn’t have asked for a better way to celebrate becoming “old”

Carys – This was my first ever half marathon with my family in Cardiff 2019. What inspired me was seeing people on a daily basis out running on our county roads and I wanted to try it for myself. After having 3 children I felt I needed to do something for myself which I could fit in with my family, and I loved it and yes, it made me feel amazing to have that time to look after myself.

Rhian Jones – . Cardiff is by far my favourite half marathon because the route is so fantastically varied. There is no chance to get bored as you wind your way around the city! Last year was the third time I’ve run, but it was the sixth time for my sister and the first time for my brother.

Sarah Andrews – My daughter had just started at Cardiff University so we thought it would be nice to run the Cardiff half Marathon together as a family especially because it was my husbands birthday too. We all finished together in just under two hours which was pretty good going too because our kids hadn’t trained, training is overrated apparently!

Neil Irvine – After running all my races for myself I wanted to do a race for fun. So me and my running buddies decided to run cardiff half 2016 together. So we eventually decided to go fancy dressed and after weeks of idea crunching we decided to go dressed as traffic cones.

Lynette Davies – My fave memory is starting with my niece Emma and being right in the throng of runners all excited in the starting pens – the atmosphere was absolutely electric. I love, love , love this race it is my all time favourite – the course and the all important support which is the best – it’s Welsh, it’s rousing, and it always brings a tear to my eye with everyone’s stories, the handmade signs from supporters to the pictures of loved ones that runners are raising funds for.

Team Bearhug – Here is our favourite memory of the Cardiff Half in 2019, running in nothing but our supports and budgies!

Ellie Harris – A picture of myself and my Dad right before our first Cardiff Half Marathon in 2019. It was a beautiful, sunny day, and it was incredible to see how many runners were taking part. Safe to say it was painful, but we completed it! We hope to compete again in future.

Kathryn Whittaker – The atmosphere was amazing!

Lauren Higgins – We’re both disappointed that we don’t get to run next weekend, but we have last years memories to look back on, with a smile! Here’s my favorite photo of myself and my fiancé – this was a particularly lovely memory as we had gotten engaged in Paris two days prior to the Half Marathon!

Michael Harry – Love the banter with fellow runners around the starting area. And I do actually enjoy the excitement and nervousness waiting in the pen for the start!
Bryan Dando – This is a photo of my 2nd Cardiff Half, I’m in the Welsh shirt and it boosted me to a PB. Gutted not to be able to run it this year, but have signed up to run it virtually. I live in Glasgow these days, so may have to wear the shirt to make me feel like I’m in Cardiff!

Andrea Ford – I immediately thought of this image captured at the finish line of myself and my best friend Kate. We ran the whole way together – we usually race at our own paces – and it was a really special and emotional moment! Special memories of a fabulous race day!

Fiona Williams – Katie (left) and Fiona (right) our first Cardiff half! We were both so proud and raised nearly £600 for Mind!

Mitch Fenton – Running for my old shipmates charity the JAM Fund with my son and a bunch of old sailor shipmates. And a cheeky beer and sing-a-long in Barry after. The best of life in a weekend…looking forward to 2021!

Charlotte Howson – Although I had participated in the race three times previously, it was my 4th race, the 2020 race, which was my favourite as it was the first time I was able to encourage my boyfriend to join me! Having my favourite person there to share in the experience with me made the day all the more special and we are both gutted to not be taking to that starting line this October. However, we look forward to the day when we can do this again.

Rachel McDonald – BAWSO running the Diff in 2018!

Sarah Davies – My reason for deciding to #RunTheDiff is because in 2018 I ran the half marathon for Mind charity, after losing a childhood friend who suffered from mental health difficulties. It was my quickest time and, even though my final photo looks like I’m happily staring up at the order board in a chip shop, it was because I realised I was closing in on my half marathon PB. Cardiff is an amazing race to run in, there is support at every corner, and I am buzzing to get back to #RunTheDiff next year!

Lucy Mugford – One of my favourite photos from the Cardiff Half Marathon!

Gary Day – I absolutely loved the Cardiff Half. So well organised, with amazing volunteers and support. It had the added bonus of achieving a PB, which I enjoyed celebrating in the City with the great pubs on offer. A weekend I’ll never forget and hope to repeat in future (although a PB maybe a bit much to ask)

Glenn Stephens – 2018 was quite a busy year! As well as completing my first marathon in April (Newport marathon) Cardiff Half marathon was also 2 months after the birth of our daughter, who was routing on the side-lines (or could have been the crying, either way it gave me that little bit of extra strength while being sleep deprived). Either way, I managed to take 8 minutes off my time back in 2016.

Paul Galea – Here ss one of my favourite moments during the start of the Cardiff Half Marathon 2018 leading the Green Zone, where It was Proud of 20 seconds of fame. Thank Cardiff Half for this opportunity! I am wearing the black and orange Robertown Road Runners Vest on the left hand side.

Andrew Roach – These are some of the finish line pictures of me completing the Half Marathon in 2003 (photos are pre-digital so not great quality) but this is the first time 17 years that I have not run the Cardiff Half Marathon. Some years it has been harder to complete than others but it always seems to have amazing weather and crowds to get you round. I have seen the race grow from around 1,000 people taking part to 20,000 and I can’t wait to get on the start line in March to say I have still not missed a single Half Marathon in Cardiff (I have already signed up to the 2021 edition as well).

She Runs Cardiff – A week before we officially launched last year we had an unofficial meet up at the Cardiff Half! It’s a really special and important race to us because of this, and a firm favourite amongst our members. We are gutted it’s not happening this year but look forward to the next one, whenever that may be.

Sally Jones – One of my most favourite days and something I will always treasure. So very proud of us all. Such an awesome day.

Barry Thomas – One of my favourite pictures from my favourite event.

Myfanwy Thomas – The moment in 2018 when I realised I’d not only got my sub 2 goal but smashed it by 3 minutes!

Christine Stovell – I’ve have nothing but happy memories of every Cardiff Half Marathon I’ve run as it’s such a special occasion and the crowd support is outstanding – this all came together for me in 2014 when I ran my best time (so far!)

Emma Richards – My first Cardiff Half Marathon had incredible the atmosphere was amazing! And very well organised. Coming up on the last kilometre I heard my name and found one of my best friends also running that day – we raced over the line together it was an incredible accomplishment for me as I was running with an injured knee, was hoping to finish in under 2 hours but crossed the finish at 2.07 and coming over that line with her was amazing.

Zoe Howells – I love this photo as it shows the happiness and also relief of the finish line being in sight. The race itself was difficult as I picked up an injury a couple of weeks before, but the cheers from spectators kept me going! So disappointed to not be able to run it next weekend but I will be doing it virtually instead .

Hugo Álvarez – I ran for the Cardiff University Team because I come to the UK from Chile to study a Master degree. I had never been to such an important event before, with all the city looking and cheering for you. It was an amazing experience; I enjoyed like a child with a new toy. Every part of the city, every km or mile was incredible, starting in the Castle, running beside the Cardiff City Stadium, passing the barrage on Cardiff Bay, heading Roath park and finishing right at Cardiff Council with all people screaming, and cheering was spectacular! The organization put the race into a huge level, and I am grateful for that, I still put emotional remembering the race of that day, thanks for #reliveCardiff experience.

Susan Price – I was part of the 2016 Alfie’s Angels group, but unfortunately, I got injured and couldn’t participate, but I was determined to run in 2017. This was my reaction when I saw my hubby at mile 8, when he’d said he’d only see me at the finish, I was surprised and so happy to see him

Mark Kensett (Storm Trooper) – I would have been ruining my third Cardiff half marathon on the bounce this year! Looking forward to next years race where I will be unleashing the ewok riding storm trooper once again to raise money for Steps charity Uk. No where near the quickest by any means but love every minute on the course seeing the other runners reactions along with everyone who turns out to watch.

Simon Griffiths – This was a nice memory to look back. Especially as the year before I’d been involved with an Oscar nominated live short called The Voorman Problem. My voice went from Hollywood to Cardiff in one year.
Rebecca Capener – Great memories of the race last year – myself and my 2 sisters all ran (left to right in the photo – Alice Capener, Emily Capener and Rebecca Perry (nee Capener). Beautiful day for running around Cardiff with amazing crowd support – our mum and dad were supporting us in Roath. We love a family get together and wish we could all be in Cardiff for the race this year – we’re all up for 2021!

Tricia Ellis – Me (60 ) and my daughter (40) running together for the first time – fantastic day and one to remember. Greeted by family at the end.

Mike Preston – I ran the half for Stonewall Cymru, we had a team of runners who met up before the start. We even had rainbow laces to promote diversity. I just loved our running vests ‘Sporty Gay – You Can be Both’

Emma Roberts – This is one of my favourite pics of taking part Cardiff half marathon, we were obviously having a great time.

Sarah Davies – I ran the Cardiff half marathon dressed as a female nurse this was for a Guinness world record attempt. The current record was held at 2hrs 30mins I completed the half in a stunned time of 1hr 56mins 35sec. Although my record didn’t stand for long it was a very emotional moment as you can see from the photo.

Veronica Doyle – Gorgeous weather, great atmosphere, great city! Love and miss this place. Loved the support and the amount of people raising money for so many different charities. Such camaraderie! Will sorely miss my weekend away this year!