As part of the 2022 #ChooseYou campaign, Cardiff University are exploring self-care and the ‘five ways to wellbeing’ – all relevant to running and the journey to the Cardiff Half start line.
Take a look at the content below, or go back to our summary page to explore other topics.
Keep Learning
Trying something new. Rediscovering an old interest. Signing up for that course. Taking on a different responsibility at work. Fixing a bike. Learning to play an instrument or how to cook a favourite meal. Taking on a challenge or training for and running the Cardiff Half Marathon. All of these are examples of Keep Learning, another of the evidence based Five Ways to Wellbeing. As well as being fun to do, these things will make you more confident.
Often our focus on learning is on its importance to young people – we understand the need to ensure they develop skills, knowledge and experience as they grow. However, research shows that adult learning is just as important and is (similarly) positively correlated with boosted effects on wellbeing, reports of life satisfaction, optimism, and efficacy.
Engaging with life-long learning is also likely to boost your resilience, increasing self-esteem and even a sense of purpose and hope. People who keep learning as adults are also more likely to adapt well to stress! This is of course unsurprising – when we are learning our minds typically focus on the present moment, a mindful activity that is known to reduce stress and boost wellbeing.
Learning is about gaining new knowledge and skills. It’s about having new experiences, taking on challenges, learning new approaches and improving on things we’ve already done. Learning can be formal or informal. It can be taking on an educational or vocational course, updating an existing skill, taking on a new task in work, gaining personal insights and more.
These are all good things for our wellbeing.
Further, researchers have identified that adult learning in particular is related to the practice of goal-setting, which has been strongly associated with higher levels of wellbeing. This boost occurs when goal-directed behaviour is self-generated and congruent with personal values.
So, what are your learning goals? Have you been putting off learning that language or doing a Couch to 5K or even running the Cardiff Half Marathon? Have you been wanting to try something new in work but haven’t spoken to your manager about it? Is Keep Learning a healthy part of your self-care toolkit? Remember, learning can be challenging and fun and will boost your wellbeing.
Here are some ways you can get started:
- Take a course in something you’d like to learn
- Visit a library
- Subscribe to a podcast
- Look at a ‘How to’ video you YouTube
- Try something new
- Take up a new sport or activity
- Seek out opportunities for personal development
Learning new things takes time, so set some realistic learning goals and remember to have fun along the way.
Go back to our summary page to explore other topics that are part of this series.
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