Arriva Trains Wales running for Disability Sports Wales
Arriva Trains Wales has chosen Disability Sports Wales to be their chosen charity of the year and they will be encouraging their 140 strong team of runners in this year’s Cardiff Half Marathon to raise money towards this great organisation.
Building on the already successful community partnership, Finance Director Sam Hawkins explains “We have had a great year supporting Disability Sports Wales as their Community Partner and it was a natural choice when it came to choosing a charity to fundraise for during this event. We are hoping that some of the team will be joining us at our tent during the family day on Saturday for some family fun activities and hopefully with their medals in tow!”
Pippa Britton, Chair, Disability Sport Wales said ‘We are so proud to be a partner of Arriva Trains Wales and are absolutely thrilled that their team have chosen us as their charity of the year. We have already enjoyed a fantastic 12 months working alongside them and our community programmes have benefitted hugely from their support. With their backing, we have delivered over a million sport and physical activity opportunities in 2015 and together we are setting out to achieve an even bigger impact this year. We are now excited to giving something back to their amazing team by cheering them on as they run every step of the 13.1miles. Good luck and thanks to them all!’
Join Arriva Trains Wales at their tent on Saturday for some family fun activities with Disability Sports Wales