Cardiff Half Marathon

100 Thoughts Every Runner Has While Running The Cardiff Half

25,000 runners are expected to hit the streets of the Welsh capital for the 2017 Cardiff University/Cardiff Half Marathon on Sunday 1st October, which is now just 100 days away.

To celebrate this milestone, and to get you in the mood, we’ve put together 100 thoughts every runner has on race day as they #’RunTheDiff.

If you’ve ran it before, you’ll recognise all too many of these. If 2017 is your first time, here’s what to look forward to!



1. I can’t believe the 1st October is finally here.. I don’t know if I’m more excited or nervous?

2. I knew this race was big, but there are a LOT of people here.

3. Cardiff Castle looks beautiful this morning.

4. I can hear the first wave going off! It must be our turn soon.

5. OK so our wave is shuffling forward.. now I’m scared!

02.10.16 - Cardiff University Half Marathon - General View of the mass start from Cardiff Castle.

6. WOW.. there’s fire at the start line?!


7. And we’re off. It’s finally happening!

8. This is amazing, why was I so nervous? I feel great!

9. 13.1 miles? No problem. I could do this all day.

10. There are so many people cheering us on, but I don’t feel like I really deserve this after half a mile?

11. That first mile flew by. I only have to do 13 of these? Easy!

12. This is so much fun!

Runners at the start of the Cardiff Half Marathon.

13. People are stopping for portaloos already? I hope I can control my bladder..

14. Did I drink too much water this morning? What happens if I need to pee?

15. Why is this so much easier than all of those training runs?

16. Wait, what If I’ve gone off too fast?! Am I going to crash and burn?

17.  ‘Pain is just french bread’. That’s a great sign. Favourite sign of the day so far.

18. I hope the person holding that sign realised I was smiling at their sign, not pulling a creepy face at them..

19. There are a lot of Cardiff University runners here. I like their #TeamCardiff t-shirts!

(Photo by Matthew Horwood /

20. Did I just get over taken by Elmo?!


21. He must just be a really fast Elmo. Maybe he’s going for a world record.


22. I can see the sea! Everyone says the Cardiff Bay Barrage part of the route is amazing. Can’t wait for this.

23. Wow, these views are amazing.

Cardiff University Cardiff Half Marathon

24. OK so 5 miles done. That’s 9 miles to go.

25. No it’s not, it’s 8! What’s wrong with me?

26. Maths is hard when you’re trying to run a half marathon.

27. But it is taking my mind off the run.

28. Who knew the barrage was so long?

29. There’s a Brecon Carreg station coming up. I can’t wait for some water!

Cardiff University Cardiff Half Marathon

30. Oh and High 5 energy gels! I’ll save one for later.


31. Wow, listen to the crowds in Cardiff Bay. I feel famous! Should I stop and sign autographs?

Cardiff University Cardiff Half Marathon


33. The live bands here are great. Loving this atmosphere!

34. Can I just stop and chill in the sunshine and listen to the music for a bit instead?

35. Only 6.5 miles to go? I CAN DO THIS!

02.10.16 - Cardiff University Cardiff Half Marathon 2016 - Runners at Cardiff Bay during the Cardiff Half Marathon.

36. Ohh look, Tiger Bay The Musical is on next month at the Wales Millennium Centre. I should get tickets.


37. Why is this getting harder? Maybe I shouldn’t have had that beer with dinner last night. I thought beer was carbs?

38. This seemed like such a good idea four months ago.

39. I only have myself to blame. I actually paid to do this? To put myself through this ordeal?

40. OK 8 miles done. This isn’t actually that bad. I can run another 5 miles right?

41. I need a boost. Let’s try that High5 gel and see if it makes me feel any better.

42. It helps! I feel amazing. I should start having these for breakfast!

43. Wait what’s that on my top? Are my nipples bleeding? How did I not feel that?

44. I’m a hardcore, dedicated, sexy athlete who does things like running until my nipples bleed. That’s pretty impressive.

45. Maybe people won’t find that sexy.

46. I’m going to be able to eat so much food after this.

47. Gonna treat myself to the biggest Nando’s. Burger, fries, spicy rice – the works.

48. I haven’t seen a mile marker in a while.

49. Oh. I think I can see one in the distance.

50. It feels like it’s getting further away. Maybe I’m hallucinating and there isn’t one at all?

51. If only I could get a ride in one of the Sytner MINI race vehicles. No one would notice if I did a mile of the race in a car right?


52. So I’ve finally made it to the 9 mile marker. That makes it 4 miles to go. I can run 4 miles, I think?

53. Ah Roath Park. I hear the support is amazing here. I hope the nursing home residents are out this year.


54. I think these miles must be getting longer.

55. I know. I’ll look at my watch in one minute and see how far I’ve ran, so I can work out how many minutes of running I have left to do.

56. No time has passed. How has it not been a minute?

57. This is not fun anymore.

58. Time is standing still. I’m going to be on mile 9 forever.

59. I thought they said this route was flat?

60. MILE 10!

61. Only 3 miles to go. That’s just a parkrun.

62. I do parkrun every Saturday.

63. Maybe not next Saturday.

64. I think I’ve earnt a week off.

65. I swear I overtook these people earlier.

66. Why are they over taking me now?!

67. If anyone asks I won’t tell them I was overtaken by a bunch of Smurfs.

68. Roath Park lake is pretty, but I’m not in a good enough mood to appreciate it right now.

69. Oh my god I think those children up in front are giving out jelly babies!

70. They are! Right, out of my way Smurfs – I need these.

71.  A high five in return for a handful of jelly babies. Good deal.

02.10.16 Cardiff University Half Marathon -

72. I needed that.

73. My face must look so red and sweaty. I’m going to look horrendous in my post-race selfie!

74. Mile 11.


75. I think I’m actually going to finish this?

76. I can’t believe it. They’re actually going to let me stop running in the near future.

77. If my legs don’t fall off first.

78. Why am I doing this?

79. Never again. I am literally never running again after this.

80. When will this end?


82. I’m so close to the finish now. Must keep going.

83. I’ve come too far to finish in an ambulance.

84. Look at those spectators in the pub. They don’t know how easy they’ve got it. That could have been me if I hadn’t signed up for this half marathon.

85. Mile 12. ONE MILE TO GO!

86. Cathays Terrace. It’s all downhill from here.

87. I can hear the helicopter. Maybe it’s filming me heading to the finish for the BBC.

88. Looking forward to that Aldi banana at the finish line.

89. This must be the longest mile I’ve ever ran.

90. These people cheering really, really help though.


92. I’m actually going to do this.


94. Never again.

95. Who am I kidding? This has been incredible! Can I sign up for next year yet?

Cardiff Blues v Leinster

96. What a city. What a race. What a day.

97. Now give me my medal.

98. Now that is a good looking chunk of metal.

99. And my finishers t-shirt! I’m never going to take this off. Can I wear my medal and t-shirt to work on Monday? Of course I can. Bragging rights.

100. That was the best experience of my life.


If you’re not registered for the 2017 Cardiff University/Cardiff Half Marathon – what are you waiting for? The race is now just 100 days away, and with entries up 40% on this time last year, we’re expecting to sell out soon. Don’t miss out! Register now:

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